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Lean Together 2021: Axiomatic Geometry in Lean
Lean Together 2021: Model Theory in Lean
Lean Together 2021: Baby steps toward formalizing results in anabelian geometry
FMM2021: Geometry in Lean, a report for mathematicians - Nicolò Cavalleri w/ Anthony Bordg
Lean Together 2021: Galois Theory
Tianchen Zhao: "From Euclid to Hilbert to Lean"
Lean Together 2021: Metaprogramming in Lean 4
CICM2021: The Design of Mathematical Language - Jeremy Avigad
10 minute Lean tutorial : proving logical propositions
LftCM2020: Logic in Lean - Jeremy Avigad
Lean Together 2021: An overview of Lean 4
Lean Together 2021: Opening remarks